I have been enjoying the BEST school year I've ever had! Heart of Dakota is definitely the right fit for me and my kids!! Now if I could only find the right Math....I'm not so sure Singapore is the right fit. I think I'll be diving back into Saxon next year. We will see what happens at the end of the year.
I did decide to do another word for the year....with a twist. I think I'm going to do a word and a phrase. Focus is my word and my phrase is Live in the Moment. I thought about combining them to be Focus on Living in the Moment. What do you think? Any suggestions? Hope to hear from some of you again. I'll try to do better. I'm hoping to get the hang of this whole blogging thing. There is a conference in the DC area for Christian bloggers that homeschool. Maybe that would help me learn how to do this thing better and still maintain my family. I'd love to connect with other homeschoolers who love to blog too....even if they are not professionals at it!! :-)
That's our goal, to give you the tools and encouragement you need to find some balance. Good luck!
Thank you!
I like your word phrase for the year. Mine is renewal(not a phrase but just a word). You can read more about it on my blog!
I would really like to go to the conference in DC but $$$$ being what it is, well I think it would be no. Insert sad face here!
I didn't win! So I won't be attending either...finances are just too tight right now.
Just wanted to drop in and let you know there is another chance to win at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers :) http://www.weirdunsocializedhomeschoolers.com/2012/01/win-ticket-to-21-conference.html
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